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  • 10. Full Grammar spe

    This is the full Python grammar, as it is read by the parser generator and used to parse Python source files: Grammar for Python Note: Changing the grammar specif

    关键词: 语言 

  • 9. Top-level compone

    The Python interpreter can get its input from a number of sources: from a script passed to it as standard input or as program argument, typed in interactively, from a

    关键词: 语言 

  • 8. Compound statemen

    Compound statements contain (groups of) other statements;they affect or control the execution of those other statements in some way In general, compound statements span mult

    关键词: 语言 

  • 7. Simple statements

    A simple statement is comprised within a single logical line Several simple statements may occur on a single line separated by semicolons The syntax for simple statements

    关键词: 语言 

  • 6.表达式 Python v3.4.3

    This chapter explains the meaning of the elements of expressions in Python Syntax Notes:In this and the following chapters, extended BNF notation will be used to describe

    关键词: 表达式  语言 

  • 5. 导入系统 Python v3.4.

    Python code in onemodulegains access to the code in another module by the process ofimportingit Theimportstatement is the most common way of invoking the import machinery,

    关键词: 语言  系统 

  • 4. 执行模型 Python v3.4.

    4 1 命名与绑定变量名指定对象 变量通过名称绑定完成 每一个变量通过绑定之后供程序调用 一个块是一段单独python代码 块包括: 一个模块,一段方法体,一个类 每个可交互的命令的是一个块 一个脚本文件 (可以被

    关键词: 模型  语言 

  • 3. 数据类型 Python v3.4.

    3 1 对象,值和类型对象是Python对数据的抽象 All data in a Python program is represented by objects or by relations between objects (In a sense, and in conformance to Von Neu

    关键词: 类型  语言  数据 

  • 2. 词法分析 Python v3.4.

    Python程序是通过解析器读取的Input to the parser is a stream oftokens, generated by thelexical analyzer This chapter describes how the lexical analyzer breaks a file into toke

    关键词: 词法  语言 

  • 1. 简介 Python v3.4.3

    这份参考手册讲述Python编程语言。它并不打算作为一个教程。除了语法和词法分析,在尽可能精确的同时,对所有内容我选择使用英语而不是形式化的说明。这应该使得这份文档对一般读者更容易理解, 但将导致某些地方

    关键词: 语言  简介 


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