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MySQL Workbench 6.3.5 - 数据库建模工具

15-11-29        来源:[db:作者]  
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MySQL Workbench是一款专为MySQL设计的ER/数据库建模工具。它是著名的数据库设计工具DBDesigner4的继任者。你可以用MySQL Workbench设计和创建新的数据库图示,建立数据库文档,以及进行复杂的MySQL 迁移

 Functionality Added or Changed: · MySQL Workbench will now detect file edit changes in the SQL editor. For example, you may now open an SQL file in MySQL Workbench, edit the same file in another text editor, and MySQL Workbench will detect the changes and update accordingly. (Bug #16744919, Bug #68950) · The tab navigation feature now includes wrapping. Pressing Control + Tab (forward) with the last tab active will move to the first tab, and pressing Control + Shift + Tab (backward) with the first tab active will move to the last tab. (Bug #14096668, Bug #65354) · A page header a>

nd footer was added to the Print to File... output. · A workaround option was to add a text field to the document and add your information there. (Bug #11762619, Bug #55233) Bugs Fixed: · In the Model view, the "Accordion" style tabs would disallow scrolling when multiple tabs were open. For example, Physical Schemas would not scroll down to other options like Model Notes. (Bug #17154650, Bug #69635) · It was not possib...版本201:
在MySQL Workbench的模型表编辑器不允许JSON数据类型。在SQL编辑器表编辑器不受影响


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