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OutlookAttachView 3.0 绿色版_查看Outlook附件的工具百度网盘下载

17-03-07        来源:[db:作者]  
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OutlookAttachView 3.0 绿色版_查看Outlook附件的工具简介:

OutlookAttachView是一款查看Outlook邮件内嵌附件的工具 也就是看邮件的附件那么简单的东西

OutlookAttachView is a small and easy to use software that will scan all messages stored in your Microsoft Outlook, and display the list of all attached files that it will find. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. You can also save the list of attachments into xml/html/text/csv file.

** Version 3.00

Added `Message Delivery Time` column.

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