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Microsoft LNK Vulnerability Brief Technical Analysis(CV

10-07-22        来源:[db:作者]  
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A few days ago, an exploit used for highly targeted attacks was published here: CVE-2010-2568 Lnk shortcut. As the blog post, and other posts, state, this is caused by Windows Control Panels shortcut image display routine. The original blog post shows a stack trace of the exploit results, which also serves to explain the vulnerability.

几天前,一个用来进行高危漏洞发布:CVE-2010-2568(快捷方式)漏洞,大家在博客讨论的时候,指出这个漏洞引发的原因是windows 控制面板快捷方式图片显示例程。最初发布的博客显示了漏洞执行的堆栈跟踪的结果,同样解释了漏洞触发的原理

The nature of the vulnerability is pretty clear. But out of curiosity we did some reverse engineering and here is what we have found. The bug itself is a design flaw as stated by many people and its very straightforward to locate the point where it happens. The vulnerable file is shell32.dll and the vulnerable routines are Control Panel-related. We loaded the binary on a disassembler and found that the Control Panel file-related routines start with a “CPL_” prefix.

这 个漏洞的原理已经非常清晰。但是处于好奇我们还是做了很多逆向工程,以下就是我们所发现的东东。这个漏洞本身就像是大家说的那样是设计上的缺陷,非常简单 就找到了问题发生的位置。存在威胁的文件是shell32.dll和存在威胁的控制面板文件相关例程。我们加载了二进制的文件进行反编译,发现控制面板文 件相关的例程以“CPL_”作为前缀。

Drawing 1 shows the relations between CPL initialization routines and data flow. The red “LoadLibraryW” API is the vulnerable one



图 1: 程序执行流程和数据流

The icon extraction routine calls “CPL_FindCPLInfo” to find the icon information of the target file. The “CPL_FindCPLInfo” routine is basically a wrapper around all CPL-related routines. The loading and initialization of the CPL module is performed before getting any information out of it. One of the initialization routines, “_LoadCPLModule”, calls the “LoadLibraryW” API to load the target CPL dll for future use. The module handle acquired from this call is used later in the “_InitializeControl” routine with the “LoadImage” API. There are ways to acquire an icon handle from a dll without loading it, but in this case the programmer chose to load the target dll for some reason, which opens the vulnerability.

ICO获取例程执行“CPL_FindCPLInfo”函数去获得目标程序的ICO信息。“CPL_FindCPLInfo”例程是CPL相关所有例程的封装。CPL模块加载并且初始化执行之前,通过这个例程获取所有CPL信息。其中一个初始化例程“_LoadCPLModule”调用了 “LoadLibraryW”加载目标CPL(CPL实际上是特殊的dll文件)以便之后使用。“LoadLibraryW”函数调用以后返回的句柄,之后会被“_InitializeControl” 例程和“LoadImage” 函数使用。这种方式可以获得dll文件的图标句柄并且不需要加载它,但是在特殊情况下程序员人为选择直接加载存在恶意的目标DLL

It looks like the security side-effects of one module are not evaluated fully before its combined with other modules.


We recommend following this Microsoft security advisory to disable icon display or the WebClient service until a patch for this flaw is released.


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