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18-07-25        来源:[db:作者]  
收藏   我要投稿


show databases;


use [库名];


show tables;


select [列名] from [表] where [条件];


desc [表名];


create table [表名]([列名] [类型], [列名] [类型])charset=utf8;


show create table [表名];


insert into [表名] ([列名],[列名]) values([列值],[列值]);


insert into [表名] values([列值],[列值]);


insert into [表名] values([列值],[列值]),([列值],[列值]);


update [表名] set [列1] = [新值], [列2] = [新值] where [列3] = [列值];


delete from [表名] where [列名] = [列值];


select * from [表名];


select * from [表名] where [列名] = [列值];


select [列名],[列名] from [表名] where [列名] = [列值];

#select 查询模型




select * from [表] where 1;

select * from [表] where 0;


select age+1 from [表];

select floor(age) from [表];


select * from [表] where [列名] in ([列值],[列值]);


select * from [表] where [列名] between [值] and [值];


select * from [表] where [列名] != [值] and [列名] != [值];

select * from [表] where [列名] where [列名] not in([列值],[列值]);


select * from [表] where ([列名] between [值] and [值]) or ([列名] between [值] and [值]);

select * from [表] where ([列名] > [值] and [列名] <[值]) or ([列名] > [值] and [列名] <[值]);


select * from [表] where [列名] like "[字符串]%";


select * from [表] where [列名] like "[字符串][剩下长度个数的_]";


select * from [表] where [列名] notlike "[字符串]%";


select * from [表] where [列名] is null;


select age - num as test from [表];


select count(*) from [表];

#avg() 求平均数

select avg(age) from [表];

#sum() 求总和

select sum(age) from [表];

#min() 求最小

select min(age) from [表];

#max() 求最大

select max(age) from [表];



selec max(age) from [表] group by [列];





#from >> where >> group by >> having >> order by >> limit

#order by 排序


select * from [表] order by [列] asc;


select * from [表] order by [列] desc;


selecr * from [表] order by [列] asc , [另一列] desc;

#limit一般和order by合用

#limit [跳过条数],[输出多少条]


select * from [表] order by [列] desc limit 0,3;


select * from [表] order by [列] desc limit 2,3;



select [列1],[列2],[列3] from [表] where [列1]=(select [列1] from [表] order by goods_id desc limit 1);

select [列1],[列2],[列3] from [表] where [列1] in (select [列1] from [表] order by [列]);


select [列1],[列2],[列3] from (select [列1],[列2],[列3] from [表]) as [别名]group by [列] ;



select * from [表1] where exists (select * from [表2] where [表1].[列]=[表2].[列]);

#inner join查询,当两张表有相同的列名时

select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] inner join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1];

select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] inner join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1] where [条件];



select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] left join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1];

select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] left join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1] where [条件];


select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] right join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1];

select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2].[列1],[表2].[列2] from [表1] right join [表2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2].[列1] where [条件];


select [表1].[列1],[表1].[列2],[表2别名1].[列1],[表2别名2].[列2] from [表1] right join [表2] as [表2别名1] on [表1].[列1]=[表2别名1].[列1] right join [表2] as [表2别名2] on [表1].[列1]=[表2别名2].[列2];

#union查询,将两个查询结果合并,当两个值一样时会取其中之一,取出各表的列数要相同,不能使用order by,取出的列名以第一个表为准

select * from [表1] union select * from [表2];


#union all查询

select * from [表1] union all select * from [表2];


(select * from [表1]) union all (select * from [表2]) order by [列];


creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] [主键] [是否自增],

[列名] [类型]



alter table [表名] add [列名] [类型] [有无符号];

alter table [表名] add [列名] [类型] [有无符号] after [列];

alter table [表名] add [列名] [类型] [有无符号] before [列];

alter table [表名] add [列名] [类型] [有无符号] first;


alter table [表名] drop [列名];


drop table [表名];


drop view [视图名];


drop database


alter table [表名] modify [列名] [新属性];


alter table [表名] change [列名] [新列名] [新属性];


show create table [表名];


rename table [表名] to [表名];


delete from [表名];


truncate [表名]


create view [视图名] as select [列名], [列名], [列名] from [表名];




show table status \G

show table status where name=[表名] \G


show warnings;



creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] auto_increment,

[列名] [类型],

key [自己起的键名]([要设为键的列])



creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] [not null/null] default [默认值]




#字符串型 char定长 varchar不定长

#日期型 时间戳 timestamp 定义这个类型之后,插入数据会自动生成插入的时间


#zerofill 零填充 整形规定范围只能在声明零填充时才会起效

#unsigned 无符号


show variables like '%charact%';

#将客户端 返回结果 命令行一次性改成gbk

set names gbk;


#key 普通索引,可以重复

creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] auto_increment,

[列名] [类型],

key ([要设为键的列])


#unique key, 不可以重复

creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] auto_increment,

[列名] [类型],

unique key ([要设为键的列])


#主键索引,primary key



creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] auto_increment,

[列名] [类型],

key ([要设为键的列],[要设为键的列])



#show index from [表名]


#explain select * from [表] where [列名] = [列值]


creat table [表名](

[列名] [类型] auto_increment,

[列名] [类型],

key ([要设为键的列]),

key ([要设为键的列])




show index from [表名];


alter table [表名] drop index [索引名];

drop index [索引名] on [表名];


alter table [表名] add index [索引名]([列名]);


alter table [表名] add primary key ([列名]);


alter table [表名] drop primary key;


#隔离性 原子性 一致性 持久性


start transaction






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