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15-10-24        来源:[db:作者]  
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1. To mimic the soft purple tint of the Nashville filter, open up the Levels menu with Command / Ctrl + L or Image > Adjustments > Levels. Select Blue in the dropdown menu for Channel. Increase the Output Levels at the bottom of the menu from 0 to 58 by dragging the left slider toward the center of the spectrum.



2. To soften the blue tint a bit, add a new layer of light yellow by going to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color. The hex color #f6ddad adds a peachy tone to contrast the blue.



3. Next, increase by Brightness and decrease the Contrast by going to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.



4. Change the Color Balance with Command / Ctrl + B, or Image > Adjustments > Color Balance. Increase the Cyan, Green and Blue levels.



5. If the color is still not quite right, change the hue with Command / Ctrl + U, or Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. I moved the Hue slider just a bit to the right to emphasize the blue a bit more.



6. From here, I went back and adjusted the Color Balance a bit more by moving all sliders just a bit to the right for the final result.



下一篇:你不知道的JavaScript--Item21 漂移的this

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