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16-06-01        来源:[db:作者]  
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  1) the service provided by ipx is (ipx提供的服务是):

  a. guaranteed delivery

  b. datagram

  c. connection-oriented

  d. sequenced

  2) the transport control field in the ipx header holds what information? (ipx报头中的传输 控制字段保留何种信息)?

  a. the age of the packet.

  b. protocol type

  c. router hop count

  d. level of service required.

  3) what is the length of an ipx network number (ipx网络编号的长度是多少)?

  a. 16 bits

  b. variable

  c. 48 bits

  d. 32 bits

  4) in the ipx address 0102.0000.8045.1700, what is the node address ( 在i p x地址 0 1 0 2 . 0 0 0 . 8 0 4 5 . 1 7 0 0中,节点地址是多少)?

  a. 1700

  b. 0102.0000.8045

  c. 0102.0000

  d. 0000.8045.1700

  5) what can you say about this address: 47.0000.0000.0001 (关于这个地址 4 7 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1,你可以说):

  a. it is the address of a netware print server

  b. it is an internal network address

  c. the included socket number is 0001

  d. nothing

  6) the checksum field in the ipx header is normally set to (ipx报头中的校验和字段通常设置为):

  a. a checksum of the entire ipx packet

  b. a checksum of the ipx header fields only

  c. 0xffff

  d. 0

  7) if an ipx node is configured to use the ethernet_802.2 encapsulation, which other machines can it communicate with directly (without going through a router) on the same network (如果一个i p x节点配置为使用e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 3封装,它可以和相同网络上其他哪一个设备直接通信(不经过路由器) )?

  a. machines running any encapsulation

  b. machines running either ethernet_802.2 or ethernet_802.3

  c. machines running ethernet_ii

  d. machines running ethernet_802.2

  8) to run multiple encapsulations on a single physical interface, a router has to (为在一个物理接口上运行多个封装,路由器必须):

  a. use a different network number for each encapsulation

  b. use subinterfaces, not secondary networks

  c. enable nlsp routing

  d. use an access list

  9) which protocol does a workstation use to locate a server providing a particular type of service (工作站使用哪一个协议来找到提供特定类型服务的服务器)?

  a. rip

  b. ncp

  c. sap

  d. eigrp

  10) periodic sap updates are sent by (定期s a p更新由谁发出):

  a. routers and servers

  b. netware servers only

  c. workstations and routers

  d. workstations only

  11) the rip protocol is used by (rip协议由谁使用)?

  a. routers only

  b. servers only

  c. workstations, servers, and routers

  d. print servers

  12) which command which must be given first to enable ipx (在启用i p x时,必须首先给出哪一个命令)?

  a. cisco(config)#enable ipx routing

  b. cisco>ipx routing

  c. cisco(config-if)#ipx routing on

  d. cisco(config)#ipx routing

  13) which of the following allow you to use multiple ipx networks on a single physical interface (下面哪一个允许你在单个物理接口上使用多个i p x网络)?

  a. secondary networks

  b. dynamic frame types

  c. subinterfaces

  d. none. this is not supported.

  14) which ios command allows you to view the router’s internal sap database (哪一个i o s 命令允许你查看路由器的内部s a p数据库)?

  a. show serv e r s

  b. show ipx servers

  c. servers

  d. ipx servers

  15) which of the following kinds of information do you need to collect before you can configure ipx using ios (你需要在用i o s配置i p x之前搜集下面各种信息中的哪一个)?

  a. the number of netware servers on the network

  b. the encapsulations in use

  c. ipx network numbers

  d. the ipx address of another router

  16) what does this command do:

  cisco(config-if)#ipx network 3 (这个命令的作用是什么: c i s c o ( c o n f i g -

  if)#ipx network3):

  a. nothing. it is incomplete.

  b. sets up a static route to network 3

  c. configures ipx network 3 on this interface with the default frame type

  d. nothing. the router is in the wrong configuration mode.

  17) what does this ios command do?

  ipx route 4 5.0000.8004.4563 float i n g - s tatic (这个i o s命令的作用是什么i p x route 45.0000.8004.4563 float i n g - s tat i c )?

  a. configures 4 static routes

  b. configures static sap entries for servers of type 4

  c. configures a static route to network 4

  d. says that to get to network 5, you must go via network 4

  18) in the command ipx route 4 5.0000.8004.4563 float i n g - s tatic, what does the f l o at i n g - s tatic keyword on the end mean? ( 在命令ipx route 45.0000.8004.4563

  f l o at i n g.s tat i c中,最后的f l o at i n g.s tat i c意味着什么)?

  a. set all static routes to floating

  b. allow this route to be overridden by a route received dynamically

  c. apply this route to all network numbers from 1 to 4

  d. lock this route so that it cannot be changed

  19) the ipx maximum-paths command does what (ipx maximum.pat h s命令的作用是什么)?

  a. allows ios to share traffic to a given network over multiple paths

  b. allows a slow link to be used as a backup for a faster one

  c. sets the maximum number of router hops a packet can travel

  d. sets the maximum number of interfaces ipx can be configured on

  20) which command is used to show a concise list of the configured ipx interfaces (哪一个命令用于显示配置的i p x接口上的简明列表)?

  a. show config

  b. show ipx interface

  c. show ipx interface brief

  d. show interface

  21) if two devices are plugged into the same physical network, but are using diff e r e n t encapsulations, what it required before they can communicate (如果在相同的物理网络中加入了两个设备,但是使用不同的封装,在它们通信之前需要完成什么)?

  a. a cross-over cable

  b. a repeater

  c. a router configured for the appropriate encapsulations

  d. nothing. they can communicate directly.

  22) when does a workstation normally send a gns request (工作站一般在什么时候发出g n s请求)?

  a. when trying to communicate with another workstation

  b. when trying to locate the nearest router

  c. when it needs to send a sap update

  d. when trying to locate a server at initialization

  23) how many router hops does a gns request travel (一个g n s请求经过多少个路由器跳)?

  a. 16

  b. none

  c. 4

  d. unlimited

  24) in a sap update packet, what does the server address field contain (在s a p更新数据包中,服务器地址字段中包含什么)?

  a. the network the server is on

  b. the server’s node number

  c. the socket number the server is listening on

  d. all of the above.

  25) which of the following protocols is used by servers to advertise their services to the clients (下面协议中的哪一个由服务器使用,以向客户通告它们的服务)?

  a. routing information protocol (rip)

  b. sequenced packet exchange (spx)

  c. network core protocol (ncp)

  d. service advertising protocol (sap)

  26) on an ethernet lan how many ipx encapsulation types are supported (在一个e t h e r n e t局域网上,可以支持多少个i p x封装)?

  a. 4

  b. 3

  c. 2

  d. 1

  27) the frame check sequence checks with which fields in an ethernet_802.3 frame (帧校验序列校验e t h e r n e t - 8 0 2 . 3帧中的哪一个字段)?

  a. the source address and destination addres

  b. the packet data

  c. everything from the destination address on

  d. source service access point (ssap)

  28) which of the following fields is not common to both ethernet_802.3 and ethernet_802.2 frames (下面字段中的哪一个不是e t h e r e n e t 8 0 2 . 3和e t h e r n e t 8 0 2 . 3帧所共有的)?

  a. source address

  b. length

  c. dsap

  d. data

  29) in sap packets, the numbers in the service type field are assigned by (在一个s a p数据包中,服务类型字段中的数字由谁给定)?

  a. the system administrator

  b. the end user

  c. novell

  d. server

  30) sap requests, responses, or broadcasts can be recognized by which value of source or destination socket number (sap请求,响应或广播可以通过源或目的套接字数字中的哪一个值来识别)?

  a. 0x0452

  b. 0xe0

  c. 0x03

  d. 0x0453

  31) in rip packets, the hops away and time ticks fields are valid both for request and response packets (在r i p数据包中,“跳距离”和“时间嘀嗒数”字段对于请求和响应数据包都是合法的)。

  a. true

  b. false

  32) up to how many rip entriescan a single ipx packet hold (一个i p x数据包可以保留多少个r i p条目)?

  a. 44

  b. 47

  c. 49

  d. 51

  33) in rip, which number of hop counts indicates that a network is unreachable (在r i p中,多少个跳距离表示无法达到一个网络)?

  a. 12

  b. 16

  c. 8

  d. 20

  34) match a novell term on the left with an ios term on the right (匹配左边的n o v e l l术语和右边的i o s术语)。

  a. ethernet_snap 1. sap

  b. ethernet_802.2 2. snap

  c. ethernet_ii 3. novell-ether

  d. ethernet_802.3 4. arpa

  35) if a user attempts to set the same encapsulation type on more than one subinterface on the same physical interface, what will the ios do (如果一个用户企图在相同物理接口的多个子接口上设置相同的封装类型, i o s将给出什么结果)?

  a. assign default values for encapsulation types

  b. issue a warning but allow the change

  c. issue an error message and ignore the change

  d. allow the change

  36) which of the following is a default routing protocol when ipx routing is enabled (下面的哪一个是启用i p x路由时的默认路由协议)?

  a. rip

  b. nlsp

  c. eigrp

  d. cdp

  37) when there are multiple paths available at the same cost, then by default ios: (当存在代价相同的多个路径时,在默认情况下):

  a. will keep all paths in the routing table

  b. will keep only one path in the routing table

  c. will keep all paths in the table and route the traffic in a round-robin manner

  d. b and c

  38) what is the purpose of the split-horizon function (水平分割的目的是什么)?

  a. to divide the network traffic in two for faster throughput

  b. to avoid sending redundant data back out the interface it was received on

  c. so that each person only has to manage half the routers on a network

  d. to set traffic priority levels

  39) by default, rip routers broadcast periodic updates every (默认情况下,r i p路由器每隔多长时间进行广播)?

  a. 30 seconds

  b. 60 seconds

  c. 5 minutes

  d. 10 minutes

  40) when would a workstation send a rip request (何时一个工作站会发送r i p请求)?

  a. on initialization, to locate a server

  b. whenever it needs to find a route to a remote network it doesn’t have a route for

  c. to connect to a netware server

  d. every 60 seconds

  41) if an interface was configured like this:

  c i s c o ( c o n f i g ) # i n t e r face ethernet 1

  cisco(config-if)#ipx network 201 encapsulation novell-ether

  cisco(config-if)#ipx network 202encapsulation sap secondary

  how many copies of each sap update would be sent out the physical interface (如果一个接口这样配置:

  c i s c o ( c o n f i g ) # i n t e r fa c e

  e t h e r n e t 1

  cisco(config-if)#ipx network

  201 encapsulat i o n

  n o v e l l - e t h e r

  cisco(config-if)#ipx network

  202 encapsulation sap

  s e c o n d a ry

  则在物理接口上可以发出s a p更新的多少个副本)

  a. 1

  b. 2

  c. 3

  d. 4

  a.7 第7章答案

  1) b。i p x仅仅提供了不可靠的、无连接数据报服务。

  2) c。i p x报头中的传输控制字段控制路由器跳计数信息。当数据包生成时,传输控制字段初始化为0,并且在它每次通过路由器时都增加。

  3) d。尽管通常网络号开头的0都省略掉,但是网络号是一个长度为3 2的数字。

  4) d。节点地址是0 0 0 0 . 8 0 4 5 . 1 7 0 0。i p x地址总是以网络号开始,然后是节点地址。有时再加上套接字号。

  5) b。它是一个内部网络地址。服务器总是内部网络上的节点0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1。

  6) c 。默认情况下不使用i p x报头中的校验和字段。生成数据包时,该字段设置为0 x f f f f。

  7) d。要直接通信,节点必须运行相同的帧类型。

  8) a。接口上使用的每个封装组成了它自己的i p x网络,所以必须给它网络号。每个网络号必须是i p x互连网络上唯一的编号。

  9) c。工作站使用服务通告协议( s a p )来定位提供特殊服务类型的服务器。

  10) a。路由器和服务器定期发送s a p更新。所有服务器使用广播通告可用的服务。路由器记录这些通告,并且将通告作为s a p数据库的一部分来重新通告。工作站仅仅广播g n s查询,它从来不传输更新。

  11) a.工作站、服务器和路由器都使用r i p在远程网络中定位路由。

  12) d。首先执行命令ipx routing来启用i p x。尽管答案b有正确的命令,但是路由器是以错误的模式接受的。

  13) a,c。次级网络和子接口都允许用户在物理接口上有多个i p x网络。不过,接口上的每个网络必须在不同的封装上运行。

  14) b 。命令show ipx serv e r s允许用户查看路由器的内部s a p数据库。此时将显示s a p表的内容。

  15) b ,c。如果要在安装中避免问题,那么使用的封装和i p x网络号是必要的。

  16) c。因为没有指定封装,所以该接口使用默认介质类型。

  17) c。配置到网络4的静态路由。5 . 0 0 0 0 . 8 0 0 4 . 4 5 6 3是到网络4的下一跳的路由器。

  18) b。末端的关键字f l o at i n g - s tat i c含义是,如果r i p通告的路由或者网络4接收另一个路由选择协议,那么它将优先于静态路由。如果不是这样,那么该网络进入的动态路由将要忽略掉。

  19) a。命令ipx maximum-pat h s允许到给定网络的多个路径。路径必须具有相同的代价。默认情况下, i o s仅仅有一条通向每个目标网络的路径。

  20) c 。命令show ipx interface brief显示了所配置的i p x接口的简明列表。尽管答案b显示了列表,但是它并不是简明的。

  21) c。如果它们没有运行相同的封装, 那么路由器是唯一可以和它们连接的设备。

  22) d。当工作站首先出现时,它需要查找要连接的n e t wa r e服务器。一旦连接成功,它就可以使用服务器数据库来定位服务器。

  23) b。g n s请求是一个广播。默认情况下,路由器阻塞这些广播,所以它们仅仅在本地网络中可见。

  24) d 。s a p更新包括带有服务器套接字号的完整的互连网络地址。

  25) d。s a p通告是通告服务信息的服务器所发出的广播。

  26) a。ethernet lan支持的i p x封装的四种类型分别是: e t h e r n e t _ i i,e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 2,

  e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 3和e t h e r n e t _ s n a p。

  27) c 。f c s用来检测破坏的数据包,并且检查所有的i p x数据包字段。

  28) c 。d s a p字段在e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 2帧中,它不是在e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 3帧中。

  29) c 。“服务类型”字段包括n o v e l l分配的号。

  30) a 。s a p请求、响应或者广播可以为0 x 0 4 5 2的源和目标套接字号所识别。d s a p和s s a p字段中的e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 2版使用0 x e 0。0 x 0 3是e t h e r n e t _ 8 0 2 . 2帧中的控制位组的数值。 0 x 0 4 5 3用作r i p帧中的套接字号。

  31) b。错误。在r i p请求中,两个字段都包括数值0 x f f f f。在响应数据包中,它们包括合法的数值。

  32) c 。单个i p x数据包可以控制至多4 9个r i p条目。

  33) b 。在r i p中,1 6的路程段数说明网络是不可达的。

  34) a-2,b - 1,c - 4,d - 3。这些对应在表7 - 1中列出。

  35) c。如果用户试图在相同物理接口上的多个子接口上设置相同的封装类型,那么i o s将发出错误信息并且忽略改动。

  36) a 。在i p x启用时,r i p是默认的路由选择协议。

  37) b。默认情况下, i o s仅仅使用通向每个网络的最佳路径,并且沿该路径发送所有的通信量。

  38) b。水平分割的用途是避免冗余。没有将s a p条目发送回最初接收它们的网段中,该网段的通信信息量减少,并且避免了混乱的循环。

  39) b。默认情况下,每隔6 0秒发送一次r i p更新。

  40) b。工作站使用r i p定位远程网络中的路由。

  41) b。发送每个s a p更新的两个副本:一个发送到n o v e l l - e t h e r封装的网络2 0 1,另一个发送到s a p封装上的网络2 0 2。


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