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MySQL Cluster 7.3.6 - MySQL集群软件

14-08-01        来源:[db:作者]  
收藏   我要投稿

MySQL 集群设计用于快速、 总在访问数据的高吞吐量的条件下。

MySQL 集群是经验证的专为高吞吐量电信和 IP 网络应用程序的实时数据库的行业。MySQL 群集部署由主要的移动和固定的电话运营商 ,以及正在关键使能技术在市场领先的应用程序,从网络的解决方案与设备供应商。

April 8th, 2014

Functionality Added or Changed:
Handling of LongMessageBuffer shortages and statistics has been improved as follows:
The default value of LongMessageBuffer has been increased from 4>

MB to 64 MB.
When this resource is exhausted, a suitable informative message is now printed in the data node log describing possible causes of the problem and suggesting possible solutions.
LongMessageBuffer usage information is now shown in the ndbinfo.memoryusage table. See the des cription of this table for an example and additional information.
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