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16-06-07        来源:[db:作者]  
收藏   我要投稿
  question 6)

  which of the following are keywords or reserved words in java?

  1) if

  2) then

  3) goto

  4) while

  5) case

  question 7)

  which of the following are legal identifiers

  1) 2variable

  2) variable2

  3) _whatavariable

  4) _3_

  5) $anothervar

  6) #myvar

  question 8)

  what will happen when you compile and run the following code?

  public class myclass{ static int i; public static void main(string argv[]){ system.out.println(i); }}

  1) error variable i may not have been initialized

  2) null

  3) 1

  4) 0

  question 9)

  what will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?

  public class q { public static void main(string argv[]){ int anar[]=new int[]{1,2,3}; system.out.println(anar[1]); }}

  1) 1

  2) error anar is referenced before it is initialized

  3) 2

  4) error: size of array must be defined

  question 10)

  what will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?

  public class q { public static void main(string argv[]){ int anar[]=new int[5]; system.out.println(anar[0]); }}

  1) error: anar is referenced before it is initialized

  2) null

  3) 0

  4) 5


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