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Multi Scan V0.4.0.0(windows离线多引擎病毒扫描工具)

11-04-23        来源:[db:作者]  
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  在线多引擎反病毒/恶意软件扫描服务允许用户同时使用多个流行的反病毒引擎上传并扫描可疑文件。然而,当用户需要扫描大量文件或目录下所有文件时这种在线方式显得极不方便。Multi Scan提供了一个接口,可以通过预先配置多个第三方,命令行病毒扫描工具使得用户可以扫描任何数量的文件或目录

    Multi engine anti-virus/malware scanners are popular as an online service allowing users to upload and scan suspicious files with most popular anti-virus engines, however, the online solution is not practical in situations where the users needs to scan a lot of files and folders. For such need we have freeware utility “MultiScan” – allowing users to scan any number of files or folders using configurable, multiple, 3rd party, command-line anti-virus/malware scanners of their choice, all from a single interface.

上一篇:OllyDbg 2.01 Alpha 3
下一篇:Malware Analyzer 3.0(开源恶意软件分析)

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