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ProcDump 5.13 绿色版 监视CPU峰值

13-01-26        来源:[db:作者]  
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usage: procdump [-c CPU usage [-u] [-s seconds] [-n exceeds]] [-h] [-e] [-ma] [-r] [-o] [[ [dump file]] | [-x [arguments]]

5.0 版是一项重大的升级,它将添加配置基于托管和本机异常类型的异常筛选器的能力延伸到 Windows 8 的现代应用程序,支持和集成过程监控调试输出日志记录。

This major update to Procdump, a command-line utility for creating process crash dump files based on triggers or on-demand, adds support for Silverlight applications and the ability to register Procdump as the just-in-time (JIT) window for more advanced scenarios.
This Procdump update fixes a bug introduced in v5.11 where it doesn’t save information required by the !runaway window command.

This update to Procdump, a command-line utility that generates on-demand and trigger-based process crash dump files, now supports triggers for when process CPU usage, memory consumption or arbitrary performance counters fall below a specified value.

上一篇:QQ电脑管家 v7.3.8113.216 正式版
下一篇:DebugView for Windows 4.81 绿色版

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