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硬盘卫士HDD Guardian 0.7.0 绿色版免费下载百度网盘下载

16-08-02        来源:[db:作者]  
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HDD,Hard Disk Drive的缩写,即硬盘驱动器的英文名。最基本的电脑存储器,我们电脑中常说的电脑硬盘C盘、D盘为磁盘分区都属于硬盘驱动器。目前硬盘一般常见的磁盘容量为80G、120G、160G、250G、320G、500G、640G等等。硬盘按体积大小可分为3.5寸、2.5寸、1.8寸等;按转数可分为5400rpm/7200rpm/10000rpm等;按接口可分为PATA、SATA、SCSI等。PATA、SATA一般为桌面级应用,容量大,价格相对较低,适合家用;而SCSI一般为服务器、工作站等高端应用,容量相对较小,价格较贵,但是性能较好,稳定性也较高。

HDD Guardian是一款小巧的硬盘检测工具!


运行需求:.NET Framework 4.0

HDD Guardian 0.6.2 new:

­ added support for LSI Fury (thanks to Jan);

­ added support for Dell PERC H200E (thanks to Conan);

­ added support for Areca controllers (thanks to Spacedust);

­ added support for Dell PERC H310 (thanks to Bill and Jorge)

­ added capability to update language files;

­ display device form factor in Manage ­> Information;

­ now is possible set a per­drive power mode from Manage ­> Advanced;

­ Attributes format and Firmware debug are moved into Manage ­> Advanced page;

­ Power mode is now removed from Settings window;

­ display temperature information on Manage ­> Temperatures page;

­ is possible to set a different (newer) version of smartctl instead the one bundled with HDD Guardian;

­ added many options in mail settings;

­ added support for 3ware clipboard command from Settings ­> Device detection (thanks to Binder Daniel);

­ ATA errors are now excluded from calculation of reliability. Now calculation is based upon IDs 5, 196, 197 and 198 of SMART table;

­ errors log now have an easy to read error des cription;

­ added AMD, ATP and Silicon Power logo, SSD image sample and web link;


­ fixed a couple of bugs affecting virtual devices;

­ re­added code to Browse button on Settings ­> Sharing ­> Smartctl Output;

­ fixed an issue with e­mail settings (thanks to Willy);

­ fixed a bug into devices context menu (Xml report);

­ fixed a bug that affects HDD Guardian under Windows XP;

­ fixed some graphical issues;

­ fixed GDI handle memory leak;

­ fixed working time reported by Intel 520 SSDs.

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