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Oracle Database 12c SQL面试题:constraints约束

18-06-14        来源:[db:作者]  
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Q6.Which two statements are true regarding constraints (Choose two)

A. A constraint is enforced only for an INSERT operation on a table.

B. A foreign key cannot contain NULL values.

C. The column with a UNIQUE constraint can store NULLS.

D. You can have more than one column in a table as part of a primary key.

Correct Answer: CD

对于 A 选项,foreign key 可以包含 null

对于 C 选项,constaint 在 delete,update 的时候也会应用。

对于 E 选项,not null 不能在表级别定义,只能在列级别定义。

上一篇:ERROR: CASE types integer and character varying cannot be matched报错问题及解决办法

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