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hot outside

21-10-24        来源:[db:作者]  
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hot outside发音




step outside───到户外去

to outstride───超越

at the outside───最多,至多



to outsin───出其不意

to outsing───到outsing

to outsit───超越

to subside───平息


My mother decided it was too hot outside and decided to cut it into the style of a military man going through basic training.───我的母亲觉得外面天气太热,决定将头发剪得跟正准备接受基础训练的军人一样。

I said it's hot outside Let me go swimming in your eyes.───我说这是外热,让我去你的眼睛游泳。

It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it's hot outside and join me in a rain dance.───似乎没有其他人愿意承认喜欢雨,但在外面很热时,也没有人为加入我的祈雨舞会而感到犹豫。

And the weather is too hot outside, do not want to go out slightly, though I am not a home girl, I was willing to stay at the hotel!───而外面天气太热,不想出去轻微,虽然我不是一个家的女孩,我愿意留在酒店!

Though it's very hot outside, my mom made up her mind to pick me up at the train station.───虽然天气很热,我妈妈坚持要到火车站来接我。

Living and working inside with the heat on really dries you out, and it's harder to remember to drink water when it isn't hot outside.───生活工作都在室内,又开着暖气,身体会变得干燥,而当户外温度低的时候,又很难想起喝水。


It's so hot outside - I'm absolutely dripping .

Whew, it's hot outside.

It was so hot outside we stayed in the house.

The hot outside shooting is fantabulous, but I'm even more excited by the clarity exhibited.

It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it's hot outside and join me in a rain dance.

It's so hot outside - I've only been walking ten minutes and my shirt is soaking !

I can't believe it's only mid-May. It's so hot outside.

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