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PingInfoView 1.60 绿色英文版_小巧的批量Ping工具百度网盘下载

17-03-29        来源:[db:作者]  
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PingInfoView 1.60 绿色英文版_小巧的批量Ping工具简介:

PingInfo View 是一款非常小巧的批量 Ping 工具,简单易用

PingInfo View 很容易使用,运行后要求你输入网址或者 IP 地址,一行一个,然后程序会自动 Ping,显示出必要的信息

添加的选项来控制并发的 ping 命令 (在高级选项窗口­F9) 的最大数目。默认值为 500。

PingInfoView 未能记住最后一个大小/位置的主窗口,如果它不位于主监视器。


* Version 1.55

o Added option to choose the type of beep/sound to use when a ping

fails (In `Advanced Options` window).

o Added option to add all ping results or only the failed pings

into a comma­delimited or tab­delimited log file (In `Advanced

Options` window).

o Added option to stop adding the ping results into the lower pane

(In `Advanced Options` window>

). It`s recommended to use this option

if you have large amount of pings, because the accumulation of ping

results consumes a lot of memory and eventually causes PingInfoView

to crash.

o When `Use IP­Host Des cription format` option is turned on,

PingInfoView now adds the IP address even if it doesn`t have a

des cription.

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